Empowering Women to Breakthrough and Speak Out

I was a guest along with a great work-life expert Kathy Caprino, on a fabulous show: Live with Lisa! Radio – hosted by Lisa Wexler. The engaging discussion focused on the issue of women and reinvention, career transition, and speaking up with power. As a communications consultant and author of Knockout Presentations, I've seen how women sabotage their leadership and success by the way they communicate. Women, more often than men, tend to take fewer risks, wait for perfection before taking action, and speak with less conviction and authority.

It's clear that once women learn what confidence looks like, sounds like, and how to speak the language of confidence they gain greater respect, get promoted, and increase their salaries.

Click here to listen to the interview:


The show will be rebroadcast on Saturday,August 29th at 10:30 EST.