How to Be a Presentation God

Scott Schwertly's new book How to Be a Presentation God: Build, Design, and Deliver Presentations that Dominate! is a  quick read written in a delightful entertaining style. The author introduces credibility killing characters such as Bulletron, Cookie Cutter, and Mediogre. The book is divided into sections including The New Era of  Presentations, Content, Design, Delivery, and Engage. Schwertly makes a case that the bar has been raised on presentations  and for  the importance  of shaping  and molding perception. He says that controlling your presentation is a vital aspect  of controlling your message.  He peppers the book with interesting principles such as "The Lesson to be Learned from Lincoln isn't Be Tall; it is Accentuate your Strengths," or " Strategy is a Cognitive Effort; Innovation is a Movement of the Heart." He also compares some of the great speeches -Steve Jobs, Winston Churchill, FDR, and encourages the reader to watch the videos. And while he's not anti- PowerPoint he reminds the reader that  "We're Giving Presentations Here, Not PowerPoints or Keynotes." The chapter on Design references online tools such as sliderocket and Prezi. He challenges the reader with JFK's remark, "The only reason to give a speech is to change the world."