Present Your Business the Old Fashioned Way

What do email and snail mail have in common? They are both a form of communication, more specifically a form of business presentation. It seems like email is the preferred way to communicate. But consider this. How many of your ecards get through your client's spam filter? When they're busy do you think they read your ecard? Technology is great. We can now reach a global audience in seconds.
But nothing takes the place of the personal touch.

Today, a small business person approached me to learn about using a greeting card program. This program allows anyone to send a physical card in a stamped envelope from their computer anywhere in the world. He wanted to promote his wonderful art without being salesy. He realized that his ecards were cluttering the client's inbox and not accomplishing his goal. He decided to add photos of his art on to real paper cards as a way of showcasing his business and staying in touch with his clients.

People will delete email but they will open a personal note or card. The message you send is "I care. I took the time for you. I appreciate you." It's been said that actions speak louder than words. It's all about the presentation and the best presentations make a personal connection.