What Doo-Wop Can Teach Us About Public Speaking

If you've ever been on the New York City subway, you've experienced the cacophonous symphony of screeching wheels, often exceeding 100 decibels.

Competing with this noise is the continuous sideshow of proselytizers, panhandlers, and doo-wop groups. The proselytizers share their vociferous platitudes about religion or political injustice and tell us we're all going to hell. The panhandlers cry about their conditions while they pass around the cup.

Then there are the doo-wop groups. They move from car to car singing a cappella with happiness and harmony. Passengers start smiling and swaying to the music. Suddenly people start reaching into their pockets like underground patrons of the arts.

Why? Because the singers make us feel good! They trigger happy memories as they share their songs and passion. They touch our hearts.

So, take a lesson from the doo-wop groups – your audience wants more than information. They want to be entertained. Edutainment is an experience, and you don't have to be an entertainer to be entertaining.

Tell more stories. Tell YOUR story. Show a video clip. Use humor. Engage them and make them smile. Give them an experience and leave them wanting for more.

Doo-wop, doo-wop, doo-wop, doo-wah .........