What Sarah Palin Can Teach Politicians

Sarah Palin shocked her constituents today as she gave an unexpected resignation speech. She didn't read a teleprompter. She didn't have a script. What she did do was speak from her heart. Whether you love her or hate her, the woman knows how to connect with an audience. She began by talking about her love for the people and state of Alaska. Her passion was genuine. She sustained eye contact as she spoke of both her accomplishments and challenges. Her language was straightforward and her message was clear as she shared her proud moments and her pain. There was no hesitation-just conviction. While some believe her premature resignation is career suicide, few doubt her ability to draw future crowds with her speaking ability. People find her candor and direct, folksy style a refreshing contrast to overly packaged politicians. The pen may be mightier than the sword but authenticity is the new competitive weapon.