You're an Expert But Can You Speak?

Has this happened to you? I attended a teleseminar the other day. The guest speaker was touted as a real expert in his field. Based on his background this was true.
The teleseminar was given in two parts with each part being one hour.
Although I took notes, I can't tell you much of what I learned in two hours.
The reason was because I tuned out. When the interviewer asked him a question he would respond like this: "Well, um ah yeah the the answer to that well is you know the way I think of that is..." SPIT IT OUT!

A teleseminar is still a presentation.
It was so frustrating to listen to someone who couldn't answer with a clear, to-the- point message. The two hour content could have been delivered in one hour.
It would have helped to have a handout. Although I remember a few tips, it could have been delivered just as easily with a few written bullet points.
So here is the lesson: As I say in my book, Knockout Presentations, your success depends on the quality of your presentation. This applies to everybody but celebrities. Why?
Because people want to been seen with a famous speaker or want to learn from the top experts. So unless you're a celebrity invest in your presentation skills.
Luckily this teleseminar was free.