How to Give a Knockout Pitch

In American baseball the pitcher can make or break a ball game. The best pitchers warm up, they know the right strategy- whether to strike out the batter or let them walk, They vary their pitch and never lose confidence.

Well, you don’t have to play baseball to pitch. In business you will be making pitches whether it’s an elevator pitch, a sales pitch, a media pitch, a job interview pitch, an investor pitch, or pitching an idea to your manager.

Michael Quinn, the founder of Minor Nobles, the NYC-based consultancy, conducted a study to learn about what makes a good pitch. There were 1800 responses, 75% were male and 25% were female. 

The job levels were  12 % entry-level, 37% mid-level and  51 percent executives. The respondents heard up to 10,000 pitches in a year’s time.

What did the study reveal? Here were the learnings:

Master the facts. It’s important to know your content but when pitching to executives, relevant experience is critical. The more senior the audience, the more important this becomes. Avoid being scripted and don’t rely on the pitch deck. Bring up experience in a conversational format early in the pitch. For less senior audiences do your homework and know the facts.

The team trumps the individual. In other words don’t assign one person to deliver the pitch. It shows cohesiveness when other team members present and it’s more engaging for the audience. Do not bring team members who lack experience or don’t have a lot to say. The exception to relying on one presenter is if a senior team member has high level expertise, listens effectively, and can build trust.

Show Passion for the problem not just the product or solution. Passion is a top trait valued by the audience. Enthusiasm sells. Can the audience feel the energy of the pitch?  Also important are the details. Is it just surface knowledge or can they go deep?

It’s easy to get sidetracked trying to sell the decision-maker on the greatness of the team and the product. But it’s not about the product. It’s about them. Show as much passion for the audience as for the product. Focus on the audience and what they care about. What are their goals?

Listen and respond carefully

Nobody wants to be sold! So listen more and speak less. The difference between winning or losing the pitch is chemistry. That involves empathy, passion, direct communication and excellent listening skills. Focus on building trust.

According to the study, there is no surefire way to win a pitch. It’s more of an art than a science. So start by reading the room and adapt accordingly.

Follow these pitching tips to knock it out of the park.

To learn how to Speak Confidently and Effectively check out my LinkedIn learning course. It ranked in the Top 20 Most Popular courses for 2 years.

To learn techniques to overcome fear of speaking, read Chapter 3 of Knockout Presentations.

To work with me contact DiResta Communications, Inc.

Does the Sound of Your Voice Eclipse Your Success?

Are you losing opportunities because of the sound of your voice? Have you ever heard a voice that was velvety and inviting? What about a voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard?

Recently, I attended a virtual program The webinar was about a new app. I was interested in the topic and took out my journal ready to take notes. What happened next was jarring. The presenter’s voice started to get in the way of the message. There were three reasons her voice was so irritating:

  1. Vocal fry. She had that low pitched gravely Kim Kardashian voice that is so popular in the media especially for female speakers. Vocal fry can often make a presenter sound depressed.

  2. Uptalk. Uptalk or upspeak is a singsong, rising inflection at the end of a sentence. It sounds like the speaker is asking a question instead of making a statement. It sounds tentative and gives rise to a lack of conviction or even credibility.

  3. Speed talking. The woman didn’t take a breath. She rattled on speaking in one run-on sentence or paragraph. In the absence of pausing, there was no space for the message to land.

    Now combine them all together and you have a recipe for an unsavory vocal stew. I tried to multi-task while the speaker was talking but it only served as background noise. The voice can create a mood and her vocal pattern was having a negative psychological effect on my attitude.

    I left the meeting. This presenter was not alone in having trouble using her voice.

    Interestingly, that same week I received an inquiry from a company. The caller wanted to know if I could help her. She explained that some people were leaving virtual meetings because of the quality of the presentations. She recognized that some of her staff needed to work on their voices. They lacked excitement and even though their department had a unique product, the message wasn’t getting out. Nobody knew about it because of the way the staff used their voices. The sound of their voices was eclipsing their success and their brand.

    How do you improve the sound of your voice? Follow these three steps:

    Awareness. Ask a trusted friend or advisor about your voice. How does it sound? Is there anything about the vocal quality that could cause people to stop listening? Once you have some feedback, listen to your own voice to hear what others are hearing. Get some other opinions.

    Breathing. The next step is to work on your breathing. Breath support is the foundation of a good voice. Learn breathing exercises to sustain the voice, project the voice and create strategic pauses.

    Practice. Incorporate your breathing exercises into your daily practice. Work with a voice coach. Watch broadcasters you admire. and model what they do. Record yourself until you notice a difference. Ask others for feedback.

    You can either allow the sound of your voice to eclipse your success or you minimize those vocal shadows and shine in the spotlight.

    To learn how to Speak Confidently and Effectively check out my LinkedIn learning course. It ranked in the Top 20 Most Popular courses for 2 years.

    To learn techniques to overcome fear of speaking, read Chapter 3 of Knockout Presentations.

    To work with me contact DiResta Communications, Inc.

The Fusion of Public Speaking and AI: Redefining Communication

In today's technologically driven world, artificial intelligence (AI) is being integrated into many aspects of life including public speaking.. From chatbots to driverless vehicles, AI's influence is reshaping industries and changing the way we interact with technology. And AI is making an important impact in the area of public speaking, transforming the way speeches are crafted, delivered, and received.

AI-Powered Speech Analytics

One of the most important AI  public speaking applications is speech analysis. Algorithms can evaluate speeches and presentations with impressive accuracy, providing feedback on  vocal  tone, pacing, and language usage.  Toastmasters International, some corporations, and of course speech coaches, have started using AI tools to enhance personalized feedback to presenters enabling them to fine tune their communication skills.

Beyond assessment, AI offers practical recommendations for improvement. For example,  AI can suggest adjustments to body language or vocabulary to increase clarity and impact. This real-time feedback allows speakers to see their video while being coached on a virtual platform instead of waiting to the file to be sent after a coaching session.  This simulates an in person coaching session whereby the coach films the client and shows the video immediately upon finishing the presentation. These AI public speaking tools are good practice tools for  reinforcement between learning sessions.

Content Generation and the End of Writer’s Block

Imagine no longer staring at a blank sheet of paper or a screen. In addition to analyzing speeches, AI is able to generate and curate content for speeches and presentations.. The Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms can quickly scrape the internet for a voluminous amount of data in seconds. With the proper prompts, AI can  identify relevant information, statistics, and anecdotes that can enhance a speech. AI  content generation tools can help speakers in crafting compelling stories by suggesting structure, key points, transitions and captivating titles. One cautionary note: Don’t assume that all content is copyright free. Edit the content in your own voice and insert personal examples.

This fusion of AI and public speaking shortens the speechwriting process and researches   credible and up-to-date information to back-up the message points.  Another benefit of AI is it can tailor content to specific audiences making sure the message resonates and is relevant to the particular group.   

Virtual Presenters and Audience Engagement

The increase in virtual communication platforms has given rise to  the integration of AI into public speaking. Holograms, natural language generation (NLG), and VR (virtual reality) create immersive environments. Virtual presenters can flex their delivery based on audience feedback. Given the insights they receive from AI, presenters can create deeper connections with the audience whether in person or virtual.


The Future of Public Speaking

The fusion of public speaking and AI is a paradigm shift in communication, offering  opportunities for speakers to hone their skills and connect with audiences on a deeper level. With continuing innovation,  AI will become an indispensable tool for speakers in all industries.

And while AI can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public speaking, it’s not a substitute for human interaction. It’s tempting to get caught up on the technology. But impactful communication requires authenticity, empathy, and real connection.  The best presenters will balance AI insights with human intuition and creativity to deliver compelling presentations. Remember: You are the brand.



What Kensington Palace Can Teach Us About Crisis Communication

To tell or not to tell. That is the question. When a crisis hits a company or institution what can you do so that it doesn’t blow up?  In January the public was told that Kate Middleton was going to have abdominal surgery and would not be fulfilling her duties until after Easter. The announcement occurred at the same time that King Charles would be treated in the hospital for a prostate issue. While King Charles was visible and didn’t deny his condition, we didn’t see or hear from Kate. The Palace said her surgery was planned. There was speculation about what was happening with her health. Was it serious? Over the weeks, curiosity turned to concern and even to fear for some Royal fans.  The family went silent. This led to wild imaginings and conspiracy theories. Was she in a coma? Was she dead? Was a divorce on the horizon? It created a media frenzy with pundits and media personalities sharing their theories and trying to decode the messages from the Palace.

In an attempt to quell the rumors, a past photo of Kate smiling with her three children was edited and sent out to the press. Quickly, the media rejected it because the picture had been doctored. It made things worse because it was dishonest. What we learned is that long silence on an issue and dishonesty, only serve to fuel the fire of gossip and controversy.

The first rule in crisis communication is get the story out and get it out fast. Otherwise, the media and the readers control the narrative. And give updates. Yes, Kate Middleton deserves privacy and time to heal, but she’s also a public figure. When she finally appeared in a heartfelt video, the public relaxed. While she may have been too ill to speak to the cameras, the Palace could have quoted her so that that the updates were her words instead of an official statement from a spokesperson.

Hopefully, the public and media will give Kate and her family the space that they need now that the truth is known.

So when it comes to communicating in a crisis

1. Plan a clear message.

2. Get the story out quickly.

3. Be transparent. Don’t lie. You’ll get caught and lose credibility.

In communication it’s all about the message. If you need assistance with your messaging contact

To learn how to Speak Confidently and Effectively check out my LinkedIn learning course. It ranked in the Top 20 Most Popular courses for 2 years.

To learn techniques to overcome fear of speaking, read Chapter 3 of Knockout Presentations.

To work with me contact DiResta Communications, Inc.


Strategic Silence: The Art of Pauses in Persuasive Communication

Are you a strategic speaker? Talking too fast? Push the pause button. Persuasive public speakers know the key to influence is in the silence.

In a fast-paced world, where every second counts, it may seem counterintuitive to promote pauses. However, when pauses are used strategically they  can be a powerful tool to increase clarity, impact, and influence in the spoken word. Whether you're leading a meeting, giving a keynote speech or having a conversation, mastering strategic pauses can elevate your communication skills to new heights. Why are pauses so important?

The Importance of Strategic Pauses

When communicating, pausing punctuates a message to convey meaning and add impact. Pausing gives the audience time to receive and understand the message. The brain needs processing time and pausing gives the audience a break between thoughts.

Maximizing Clarity and Comprehension

 Pauses can also indicate transitions between ideas, allowing listeners to follow  the speaker's train of thought more easily. This signals to the audience that there is a new thought or topic about to be discussed.

Elevating Engagement and Connection

Strategic pauses play an important role in fostering engagement and connection with the audience. When used strategically pauses command attention, create anticipation, and build suspense, keeping listeners actively engaged throughout the communication process. Pauses can prompt questions from the listeners and establish a stronger connection with the audience. 

Increasing Persuasion and Influence

 Strategic pauses can be a powerful tool for changing attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.
They can also underscore important arguments, highlight evidence, and enable listeners to feel emotions. By using strategic pauses, the speaker can create tension or suspense which will keep the audience on the edge of their seats. By using strategic pauses presenters can be more successful in persuading, shaping opinions, and driving action.

Mastering Strategic Pauses

To leverage the power of strategic pauses effectively, communicators must develop awareness, intentionality, and subtlety in their delivery. Here are some tips to consider:

1.     Engage in  Active Listening: Listen to a recording of your voice and look for places to insert strategic pauses for emphasis, clarity, or drama.

2.    Pause Intentionally: Introduce pauses at key points in your speech    to signal important messages segues, or changes in tone.

3.     Welcome Silence:  Most people are afraid of silence. Practice pausing longer than necessary to become accustomed to silence. Mark up your speech to visually anticipate the pauses. Pause one beat for a comma, two beats for a period and three beats to signal the end of a paragraph. Pausing will breathe life into your message.

4.     Read the Room: Be flexible with the use of pauses based on the content, audience, and purpose of your communication. Pausing too long could frustrate your audience.

5.     Solicit Feedback: Ask for feedback from colleagues, mentors and coaches to fine tune your use of strategic pauses and elevate your impact.


Strategic pauses are a powerful and underutilized speaking skill. Stop playing it safe in front of the room. Invite the audience on your speaking journey by inserting pauses into your presentation. The pay-off is greater clarity, engagement, persuasion, connection, and impact with your audience.  

In the words of Mark Twain, “The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.”

To learn how to Speak Confidently and Effectively check out my LinkedIn learning course. It ranked in the Top 20 Most Popular courses for 2 years.

To learn techniques to overcome fear of speaking, read Chapter 3 of Knockout Presentations.

To work with me contact DiResta Communications, Inc.

Diane DiResta's "Knockout Presentations" Graces Times Square Billboard


Staten Island, NY – March 1, 2024 – The power of compelling communication has found its spotlight in the heart of New York City's iconic Times Square. Diane DiResta, acclaimed author and communication expert from Staten Island, has achieved a remarkable milestone as her book, "Knockout Presentations," illuminates the vibrant screens of Times Square billboards.

DiResta's groundbreaking work has captured the attention of audiences worldwide with its practical insights and strategies for delivering impactful presentations. From boardrooms to classrooms, her book has become a beacon for individuals seeking to enhance their communication skills and leave a lasting impression.

The decision to showcase "Knockout Presentations" in one of the world's most renowned advertising spaces reflects not only the book's success but also its enduring relevance in today's dynamic professional landscape. As the digital displays of Times Square shine brightly, they serve as a testament to DiResta's dedication to empowering individuals with the tools they need to excel in public speaking and presentation delivery.

"It's a tremendous honor to see 'Knockout Presentations' published by Morgan James Publishing, featured in Times Square," said Diane DiResta. "This moment underscores the importance of effective communication in our personal and professional lives. I hope that seeing the book displayed in such a prominent location inspires others to hone their presentation skills and unlock their full potential."

With her expertise honed over decades of experience as a keynote speaker, executive speech coach, and author, Diane DiResta continues to make a profound impact on individuals and organizations worldwide. Through her book, "Knockout Presentations," she shares invaluable techniques for captivating audiences, conveying ideas with clarity, and leaving a lasting impression long after the presentation ends.

For media inquiries, interviews, or additional information about Diane DiResta and "Knockout Presentations," please contact:

Diane DiResta Founder

About Diane DiResta: Diane DiResta is a communication expert, author, and keynote speaker based in Staten Island, New York. With over three decades of experience, she has helped thousands of professionals across four continents, improve their communication skills, enhance their public speaking abilities, and deliver impactful presentations. Diane is the author of two books, including "Knockout Presentations," which has garnered widespread acclaim for its practical insights and actionable strategies. She is passionate about empowering individuals to communicate with confidence, authority, and authenticity.


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Stop Playing It Safe in Front of the Room. It Begins with the Shoes.

Are you playing it safe in front of the room? Many of my clients work with me because they want more confidence and clarity. in their presentations. They know where they want to go as public speakers but don’t know how to get there. They want to be respected for their leadership and admired for their inspiration.

What I discovered is that too often they are playing it safe in front of the room. They default to what they know and don’t take the risks that would allow them to stand out and be a memorable public speaker.

A few years ago, I stopped in the Michael Kors store in New York City. He’s one of my favorite designers and I like to see his designs even if I’m not buying. It was before New Years and I saw a dress I loved. It was a black knit with long sleeves and ostrich feathers lining the bottom. They had my size and it looked good when I tried it on. Then the store consultant brought in some shoes. They were black stretchy sneaker boots with bling on the back of the heel. I tried them on. They were very comfortable but a little expensive. After all, they were not shoes to wear with a New Years Eve dress. The store consultant said I could wear them with the dress. Really? I turned to my friend and asked her opinion. I told her I would never have considered pairing these black sneaker boots with something dressy. She said I should buy them. I looked at the consultant. He didn’t pressure me. He let the conversation I had with my friend play out. After a bit of hesitation, I bit the bullet and pulled out my credit card. I wore them with the New Years Eve dress.

People liked the look. It was different. Those shoes were warm on a cold night and SO comfortable.

I had stopped playing it safe in front of the room. A presentation begins with how you look before you ever open your mouth. I stepped out of my comfort zone of what I thought was appropriate footwear for dressy occasions. I had been holding back my self expression with limiting beliefs about what was appropriate.

Fast forward to today. I wear those sneaker boots to speaking engagements. No more commuting or standing in heels. I’ve combined fashion and comfort. What’s interesting is that when I collect audience evaluations of my speaking engagements someone usually writes, “Love the shoes.” I no longer feel I have to look perfectly “corporate” or follow rigid rules of fashion. As Tom Cruise said in the movie Risky Business, “Sometimes you just have to say (expletive).

What I didn’t know then that I know now, is to stop playing it safe in front of the room sometimes begins before you open your mouth. For me it began with the shoes.

If you want to Stop Playing It Safe in Front of the Room and Be Respected for your Leadership and Admired for your Inspiration, contact me at DiResta Communications.

(When we work together I promise you can wear any shoes you want.)

4 Barriers to Presentation Brilliance

What causes a public speaker to fade in the background instead of lighting up a room? Each presenter has an opportunity to share their wisdom but often barriers get in the way of conveying their brilliance.

Are you afraid to step out of your comfort zone? There’s a saying, “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know”. Public speakers easily default to the familiar instead of trying something new. Sometimes it’s because they don’t know anything else or may be unaware that they need to improve.

It’s essential to understand that being uncomfortable is part of unearthing your brilliance. The goal is to be comfortable with being uncomfortable- to seek it out-to embrace it. Ask yourself, “How can I stretch?”

A major roadblock to stepping into a bigger version of yourself is the fear of humiliation. When I first wrote Knockout Presentations, I interviewed people and asked them the reason they feared public speaking. After analyzing the responses, a theme emerged. What most people dreaded was the fear of humiliation. That being the case, you can overcome this fear by

  1. Anticipating a humiliating experience and preparing recovery strategies.

  2. Reframe the mishap as a learning experience. It’s not humiliating unless you consider it so.

    While fear is the biggest barrier here are four common reasons that public speakers cast a shadow on their own presentation brilliance.

Failure to adapt. To be a master communicator you must be flexible. That means adapting to a different audience, a different company culture and especially last minute changes. Here is where we separate the novice from the pro. It’s not unusual to have your time cut by the manager or meeting planner. Would you know how to do it? The most common way presenters adapt is to speak faster. Or maybe the first speaker on the agenda used the exact examples you planned to use. Failure to adapt will take you out of brilliance and launch you into dullness.

Poor communication skills. There is no shortage of subject matter experts who have valuable insights and data but can’t communicate their message. The presenters may be disorganized. They may not define terms. More frequently, the presenters speak too fast or don’t articulate clearly and often go off message. If your audience is scratching their heads with confusion, they will tune you out.

Little or no audience connection. Are you a talking head? This is the presenter who is scripted and overly rehearsed. They sound unnatural and they talk at the audience. People don’t want to hear a lecture. Presentation brilliance is about the relationship with the audience. Talk to them in a conversational tone. Ask them a question and challenge them. Provide an exercise and tell them a story that is relatable. Create an experience. It’s about how you make them feel. Facts tell but stories sell. Without emotion they’ll probably forget most of what you say.

Insufficient technology skills. Like it or not, we all need to be proficient with technology. Have you ever seen an expert fumbling with equipment? What’s the experience of the slides not working? It’s easy to lose credibility as a public speaker when your technical skills don’t match your expertise. You don’t have to use technology in every presentation. If your story is compelling all you need is you. But remember YOU are the visual aid and the technology is about how you work the room and command the stage.

These four barriers don’t have to overshadow you. Master the skills of adaptability, communication, connection, and technology and let your presentation brilliance emerge.

To learn how to Speak Confidently and Effectively check out my LinkedIn learning course. It ranked in the Top 20 Most Popular courses for 2 years.

To learn techniques to overcome fear of speaking, read Chapter 3 of Knockout Presentations.

To work with me contact DiResta Communications, Inc.