Communication Takes a Giant Step Backward

Technology is great. It allows us to be more productive, to be globally connected and to access information faster. So upgrading your technology will help you communicate better, right? Not necessarily.
I was surprised when one of my long time online newsletter (Impact Player) subscribers asked to be removed from the list. She was an early subscriber from the inception of the paper version, to the text version to the html version. For years I received compliments on both the design and content of the newsletter so I couldn't figure out why this reader was leaving.

I decided to call her. The answer she gave me was not what I expected. She said that since she accessed most of her email on her blackberry she couldn't receive html files. What an eye opener!

In an attempt to upgrade, look cool and be state of the art, I forgot the most important principle of communication. It's not about technology-it's about people.
Nothing will ever replace the personal touch. I went back and offered subscribers a text or html version. Clients remember me for my handwritten thank you notes and post cards. The most powerful communication is old fashioned face-to-face, person-to-person connection.

As we move forward with connectivity we need to remember to take a step back and truly connect.