Your Presentation is in Your Head

My friend told me that when she was growing up she would pass a dilapidated house on the road. As they drove by she would envision a white picket fence among other embellishments. She saw the house refurbished in her mind. Her family would make fun of her. When they passed the next fixer upper on the road they'd say "What do you see now?" This was before the house improvement shows and even before Martha Stewart was on the scene. My friend could see a beautiful presentation when nobody else could.

When you give a presentation, do you see yourself as that dilapidated house or do you see the beautiful finished product? Do you see yourself with limitations or do you see yourself as you can be?

People fear public speaking because they have limited vision.

They see an image of themselves as ineffective and the audience as the adversary that keeps them stuck. It's time to change the picture! Public speaking is a skill anyone can learn. I've coached C-level executives and I've coached 7th graders to succeed. Not everybody is a visionary like my friend. But everybody can benefit from a champion. Whether it's a coach, a friend, a support group, an internal advocate, reach out and borrow someone's positive vision of you. The secret to a knockout presentation is the vision in your head!

To learn how to Speak Confidently and Effectively check out my LinkedIn learning course. It ranked on the Top 20 Most Popular courses for 2 years.

To learn techniques to overcome fear of speaking, read chapter 3 of Knockout Presentations.

To work with me contact DiResta Communications, Inc.