Losing Your Train-of-Thought

What is brain freeze? It's the moment you go blank, feeling like a virus wiped out your memory bank. It can be a scary moment when you realize it's happening...

PRESS RELEASE: DiResta book signing at upcoming C-Suite Network Conference in Dallas on May 22nd-23rd, 2017


NEW YORK, NY -- (May 17, 2017) -- Diane DiResta has been selected to be a sponsor at the upcoming C-Suite Network Conference in Dallas, TX on May 22-23, 2017. C-Suite Advisors™, is an elite group of experts chosen to advise the executives who are part of the C-Suite Network. As a C-Suite Advisor and member of the C-Suite Best Seller Book Club, Diane DiResta will be holding a book signing and be at Table Captain for other C-Suite Advisors.

The C-Suite Network strives to provide added value to their community of C-level executives through the C-Suite Advisors™ program. Each advisor is an expert in their industry and has been carefully vetted to ensure they meet the brand standards and provide a service of value to members. Currently, the C-Suite Advisors™ program has experts in corporate recruiting, sales, coaching, marketing, social media services, and more.

The program also provides value to its Advisors through networking and sales opportunities with C-Suite Network members, distribution of select content throughout C-Suite Network properties, expert council opportunities, and more. The C-Suite Network will also provide social media and marketing guidance to advisors when applicable.

“It's an honor to be part of this impressive network of executives and advisors,” said Diane DiResta.

“The C-Suite Network is the premier platform where executives have access to thought leaders who are creating cutting edge content.” -Diane DiResta

C-Suite Advisors held its first membership meeting in December 2016 and will hold a series of meetings in 2017, kicking off in Dallas with the C-Suite Network Conference in May. If you’re interested in becoming a part of C-SuiteAdvisors™, please reach out via the C-Suite Advisors’ website.


DiResta is the Founder of DiResta Communications, Inc, a New York City communication skills consultancy serving business leaders who give high stakes presentations, whether one-on-one, to a large audience, or from an electronic platform. She's the author of the amazon best selling book, Knockout Presentations. .


C-Suite Advisors, the most trusted network of advisors to the C-Suite, is an elite group of select thought leaders, coaches, trainers, authors, speakers and content creators who service C-Suite executives and enterprise businesses.

C-Suite Network is the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders, with a focus on providing growth, development and networking opportunities for business executives with titles of vice president and above from companies with revenue of $5 million and above.

Tagged: C-Suite conferenceexecutive presentationexecutive speaking

When the Audience is the Bully

I remember my first corporate consulting assignment. I landed a multi national bank who hired me to train 70 MBAs in their credit training program. After developing the curriculum, the day finally arrived when I was to deliver the writing and presentation skills seminar. I was feeling excited and a little anxious.

Make Your Audience Fall in Love With You

You step up and turn to face your audience. You feel a lump in your throat. You’re about to speak your first words. What if they don’t like you?  You silently pray, "Show me the love." Fear of rejection is one of the reasons people avoid public speaking.  But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can make yourself attractive to the audience without being a seasoned pro. Here are a few simple tips to make your audience fall in love with you.

Don't Dictate, Facilitate - Questioning Techniques

While traditionally, speaking has been more or less a monologue, delivering a seminar requires a different set of skills. One of those skills is facilitation. The public speaker needs to engage and elicit information from the audience and help them make connections to their work environments through discussion.

Presenting Yourself for the Job Interview

A job interview can be an adventure. You have the opportunity to learn about new companies, new positions, and network with new people. The first step is to equalize the power. And that involves an attitude adjustment. The power should be 50-50. The interviewer is sizing you up AND you’re sizing up the company. Don’t give all the power to the interviewer. You decide if the company meets your criteria. Once you’ve balanced the power, here are some tips for presenting a positive image:

Present to prosper: Success requires a powerful first impression

Jim (not his real name) was a small business coach. He was a member of a networking group, but he wasn’t getting any business.

He knew he was good, but nobody was asking for his card. Meeting after meeting, he would tell the group all he had to offer—business planning, marketing, systems, etc. Jim noticed their eyes glaze over as he recited a litany of all the ways he could help small business owners. He became so discouraged that he told his wife one evening that maybe he’d have to give up on his business.

Say What? Is a Hearing Loss in Your Future?

One in 10 Americans has a hearing loss. It can begin as early as age 20. Hearing declines significantly after age 40.

The baseline or threshold for normal hearing is 0 decibels. A decibel (dB) is a measure of sound pressure level. The higher the decibel, the louder the noise. The pain threshold is 130 decibels. A subway is recorded at 95-100 dB. If you live in a noisy city or work around loud machinery your hearing may be at risk.

Empowerment Comes From Learning Listening Techniques

If you want to be more productive and increase sales, try listening. It’s a fact that people just don’t listen well. In this culture we have a saying. “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Think about a typical business meeting. Step into any meeting and you will see members vying for air time. Most onlookers would assign power to the speaker and identify the listener as passive. Nothing could be further from the truth. Listening is power. Listening empowers people to take responsibility, to be more productive, to influence their environment, and to increase the bottom line.

No Sweat! Get Control of Public Speaking Nerves

Three people called me this week because their public speaking fear is holding them back. It's affecting their brand, their reputation, and their career advancement. It's causing them to remain quiet in meetings and to decline speaking opportunities. It’s time to knock out the fear of public speaking! Public speaking is no different from any other fear and you can kick the habit long before you kick the bucket.

Press Release: Best Selling Business Author Diane DiResta Featured in 1,600 Offices Across the United States by Captivate Video Network

C-Suite Network, announced today that their over the top television (OTT) business channel, C-Suite TV, will begin a new strategic partnership with Captivate, the leading location-based digital video network. Captivate will air highlights from Best Seller TV, a television show featuring business authors and content from their top-selling business books.
Diane DiResta was the first expert to be featured to kick off the partnership.

Press Release: Speaking Expert Diane DiResta Interviewed on Everyday MBA Podcast

Diane DiResta, CSP, author of Knockout Presentations, and Founder and CEO of DiResta Communications, a New York City consultancy, discussed techniques for public speaking with Kevin Crane, host of the Everyday MBA podcast.

In Episode 82, DiResta discussed her book Knockout Presentations and techniques to turn public speaking into a strength, overcome anxiety, and design a presentation for maximum impact.